03.MayMay.2019 14:00 - 04.MayMay.2019 14:00
Dear Colleagues,
We would hereby like to cordially invite you to our first common “Essen- Tübingen PET/MRI Symposium”, which is jointly organized by the University Hospitals of Essen and Tübingen. For our first joint symposium, we have chosen the title “PET/MRI in oncology – present role and future directions”, as we want to give an overview and update on the state-of-the-art knowledge in oncological PET/MRI imaging and provide an insight into new applications and emerging fields of research in hybrid oncological imaging.
With our new symposium format, we intend to establish a forum to clinical PET/MR users and like to emphasize interactive, moderated dialogues on recent to emerging applications, advanced image processing and image analysis as well as its significance in modern personalized medicine. The expert faculty comprises nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists who will engage in a series of lectures describing optimal imaging pathways for oncological diagnosis, follow-up and response assessment.
We are very happy to start a hopefully prosperous and fruitful tradition of annual joint meetings to provide a platform for discussions and active interaction of hybrid imagers all around Europe.
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