This section is dedicated to smartbriefs, short communications or annoucements (e.g PhD defense dates, NM staf, thematic Glem…) that may represent an interest for the Belgian Nuclear Medicine community.
VIRTUAL ONLY: BELNUC Seminar – Radiopharmaceutical Radiobiology Advances in nuclear medicine : The future is now
Due to the new corona outbreak, the scheduled seminar on 14/11/2020 will be held as a live webinar only. There will be no in-person meeting! If you have previously registered for the seminar, you do not have to do anything and you will receive your login details over the next weeks. Discover the program or […]
How to become BELNUC member?
As we are working on our database infrastructure, the “Become BELNUC member”-button is temporarily out of action. However, we continue to welcome new members! See our Membership Application and Renewal page for more details:
EANM ’20 Virtual for Technologists
This year, the EANM congress will once again provide a full program dedicated to technologists. The focus will be on topics that are important for current practice in the nuclear medicine field, a sector in which scientific and technological advancements have been great. A wide range of subjects will be covered during the Congress. These […]
FANC/AFCN Patient Release Card
A FANC/AFCN technical decree published on August 3rd 2020 specifies the information that must appear on the discharge card given to a person who has been administered a radioactive product for radiotherapeutic purposes. You can download the FANC/AFCN templates in the “Library” on the BELNUC member section.
European Course on Lymphatic lmagings ln the Management of (Lymph-)Edemas And Benign Lymphatic Pathologies
To be held from the 23rd to the 28th of November 2020, this course offer training-teaching in the different imaging techniques of the lymphatic system (Lymphoscintigraphies, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance lymphangiographies, Lympho-Fluoroscopies and others) used in the management of (lymh)edemas (and other benign lymphatic pathologies), not only theoretical but also and above all practical (diagnoses integrated […]
New ESMO guideline endorses PET/CT for bone imaging
A new European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) clinical practice guideline on Bone Health in Cancer has been published in Annals of Oncology, endorsing “FDG-PET-CT imaging as the most accurate way of assessing treatment response of hypermetabolic bone metastasis”.
EANM ’20 VIRTUAL dates announced
EANM’s virtual 2020 annual meeting will be held from October 22nd until October 30th.
EANM ’20 becomes VIRTUAL
EANM president prof. Wim Oyen announced today that even though technically allowed to run as a conference in Vienna, the difficult decision was taken that it is in the best interest of the entire Nuclear Medicine community to hold the EANM ’20 meeting virtual only. Further updates on
EANM considers it “very likely that we can hold EANM’20 as an onsite congress”
In the first edition of its new weekly Wed@Noon newsletter, EANM announced that “the Austrian government has now approved up to 5,000 people attending events in closed spaces from September. Therefore, it is very likely that we can hold EANM’20 as an onsite congress. And you can rest assured that EANM will take all necessary […]
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre survey on radiopharmaceuticals for therapy
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, on request of the Council of the European Union, has launched a study and survey to increase the insight in the current and future use of radiopharmaceuticals for therapy in Europe:
ASCO 2020: 177Lu-PSMA more active than cabazitaxel in first analysis of randomized TheraP trial in mCRPC after docetaxel
Professor Michael Hofman presented the first results at the ASCO 2020 Virtual meeting from the randomized TheraP trial, comparing 177Lu-PSMA-617 with cabazitaxel in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) after treatment with docetaxel. 177Lu-PSMA-617 was more effective than cabazitaxel, with fewer adverse events and PSA-PFS favoring 177Lu-PSMA-617.
Antwerp 2021 symposium – The Trailer is now online!
Passing the torch from Liège to Antwerp, BELNUC has the pleasure to announce its 20th bi-annual symposium to be held in the city on the river Scheldt. This cosmopolitan, down to earth city is full of fascinating architecture and historical institutions, complemented by a lively nightlife. Watch the trailer below and save the date on […]
Participate in the IAEA INCAPS COVID-19 survey
Over the past decade, the International Atomic Energy Agency, part of the United Nations family of organizations, has conducted a number of surveys of worldwide cardiac imaging practice. Cardiac imaging laboratories worldwide have been impacted by COVID-19. The INCAPS team believes that it is important to understand the impact that COVID-19 has had on nuclear […]
ASNC Virtual Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging Seminars
The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) has developed a virtual educational program. These webinars are intended as a platform to promote the value of cardiovascular molecular imaging. We expect molecular imaging researchers and trainees to interact and learn from each other, and network virtually with global leaders in cardiovascular molecular imaging. The format is […]
SNMMI Annual Meeting 2020 to be replaced by Virtual Edition
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, SNMMI President Dr. Vasken Dilsizian announced yesterday that the SNMMI 2020 Annual Meeting that was scheduled to be held in New Orleans (June 13-16) will be replaced by a Virtual Edition (July 11–14). This truly innovative virtual experience will be free for all SNMMI members, with discounted registration […]
Impact of COVID-19 on nuclear medicine practice
What is the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on nuclear medicine in Europe? Colleagues from Germany and Italy are running online questionnaires to help gather insights in how we are adapting our practice. Contribute your piece of the puzzle!
FANC/AFCN decision personal license
Recognizing current operational challenges, the FANC/AFCN has decided to exempt doctors who use ionising radiation in medicine from the continuous training necessary for the renewal of their license, as far as the year 2020 is concerned. In addition, it has been decided that all physicians using ionising radiation in medicine whose license expires between 13 […]
Recommendations for performing V/Q scans in the context of COVID-19
Substituting ventilation scintigraphy by CT as part of stand-alone perfusion SPECT/CT is not recommended, as this reduces the specificity of the study. Both perfusion and ventilation studies should be performed to rule out pulmonary embolism.
Belgian Society of Radiology guidelines for chest CT imaging during COVID-19
The Belgian Society for Radiology has published guidelines for the appropriate use of chest CT scans during the COVID-19 crisis.
Beware of possible COVID-19 related chest CT abnormalities on hybrid imaging studies
Attenuation or localization CT scans on SPECT/CT or PET/CT studies incorporating the chest should be screened in lung window regardless of their clinical indication. In case abnormalities are identified an experienced radiologist should be consulted in order to ensure appropriate patient referral.
Temporary lifting of ban to perform stand-alone CT on hybrid imaging devices by RIZIV/INAMI
Due to COVID-19, starting from March 14th hybrid imaging devices may be used to perform stand-alone CT studies until further notice according to a RIZIV/INAMI statement published on March 23rd
BELNUC endorses the CNP recommendations for nuclear medicine departments during the COVID-19 crisis
Read more:
COVID19 – Nuclear Medicine Departments, be prepared!
The Paper of the Month April 2020 is online early and devoted to the COVID-19 crisis. Read it in your BELNUC member section now!
CANCELLED: Meet the Oncology Expert
CANCELLED: Due to travel restrictions this lecture has unfortunately been cancelled and will be rescheduled later this year. Believing is seeing: evolving role of theranostics for imaging and treatment of prostate cancer From 8:00 till 9:00 AM. Breakfast from 7:30 AM Michael HOFMAN, MBBS, FRACP Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia Location: Institut […]
Book announcement “Charles Pecher (1913 – 1941) et le Strontium Radioactif”
The new book “Charles Pecher (1913 – 1941) et le Strontium Radioactif” recounts the discoveries, the life and the tragic end of Charles Pecher, Belgian pioneer in nuclear medicine whose work has long been ignored. The book is now available as an e-book on different platforms. It is written in French, but a 38 page […]
Event Tip: Winter School “Dosimetry Guided Treatment Planning for Radionuclide Therapy”
The dosimetry winter school takes place from March 04 to March 06, 2020 in Bern, Switzerland
SYMPOSIUM BHPA 2020 (including a BELNUC session)
We would like to inform you that BELNUC will present a session at the SYMPOSIUM BHPA 2020 entitled “Personalization of radionuclide therapy, with focus on predictive/effective dosimetry” on Saturday February 8, 2020.
Event tip: 2nd SLN symposium: SLN in Head and Neck Cancer
Please see below an invitation to the 2nd SLN Symposium: 12.30 – Welcome – Lunch 13.00 – SLN symposium The patient’s journey Nuclear medicine: Preparation, Injection & Imaging SLNB Surgery & Pathology / SLN guided Radiotherapy 16.00 – 17.00 Discussion Invitation 2nd symposium – December 13, 2019
Clinical Audits
As of September 1, 2019, the procedures for clinical audits carried out within the nuclear medicine departments will be laid down in a regulatory text.
APRAMEN Bulletin – May 2019
The BELNUC is glad to share with you the May 2019 issue of the APRAMEN Bulletin. Wishing you a good reading, the BELNUC Board APRAMEN Bulletin – May 2019 issue
EANM Paediatrics Committee is looking for new members
We are looking for members with significant expertise in paediatric nuclear medicine. Knowledge and experience in paediatric GU, GI MSK, endocrinology in addition to paediatric oncology and therapy are advantageous . To select the best matching professional, we need to evaluate some more data concerning your career. In this regard, we kindly ask you to […]
EANM Apprenticeship Project – Paediatrics Committee
The EANM Paediatrics Committee is launching a “Paediatric Nuclear Medicine Apprenticeship Project” that is intended to foster and promote, early career NM physicians interested in paediatric nuclear medicine, providing them with an opportunity to become involved in the committee activities and to learn from the experts with the expectation that these individuals may become future […]
The BELNUC is glad to share with you the April 2019 issue of the APRAMEN Bulletin. Wishing you a good reading, the BELNUC Board APRAMEN_Bulletin Apr 2019
In memoriam Prof. Dr. Michel De Roo
With great sadness we inform you of the passing away of em. Prof. Dr. Michel De Roo on 13th February 2019. Michel De Roo was born in Leuven on 18th March 1931. In 1955 he obtained his doctorate in medicine. During his studies he came into contact with radiobiology in the context of radiation therapy […]
Membership 2019
For BELNUC Members: your previous username and password are not valid any longer. Please create a new account by clicking on BECOME NEW MEMBER Thank you, your BELNUC Board
BELNUC Board Elections 2019
During the past BELNUC General Assembly held in Leuven, February 9, 2019 we have elected our new General Secretary Elect and three new Board Members. We are glad to welcome to the BELNUC Board: Secretary Elect 2020 – 2022 Prof. Tim VAN DEN WYNGAERT Member 2019 – 2022 Dr. Félicie Sherer Member 2019 – 2022 […]
Dear BELNUC Members, please find here below the February 2019 issue of the APRAMEN Bulletin. Wishing you a good reading, the BELNUC Board APRAMEN_Bulletin Feb 2019
IAEA Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) presents their proposal concerning “Improving Diakonie and Treatment of Women’s Cancer in Low- and Middle- Income Countries”. This proposal reflects unfunded needs of IAEA Board-approved Technical Cooperation Projects.
Methodological protocol for lymphoscintigraphy in limb edema (Prof. Bourgeois)
The latest version of the protocol for lymphoscintigraphy by Prof. Dr Pierre Bourgeois can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. It can also be found in the “slides and videos” section of the website, this is for members in due order of paiement only. Please find an overview of the table of content […]